About Us
When Family Promise began, it was a local response to a problem in Union County, New Jersey.
Thirty years later, we are a national movement involving more than 200,000 volunteers which served more than 187,000 people in 2021. Over the past three decades, Family Promise has continued to expand our scope and our reach.
Family Promise of Bradley County is one of 200 affiliates serving families in Bradley and Polk County.
Our Services
We deliver life-saving services: prevention, shelter, and stabilization to families in need.

Preventing families from becoming homeless in the first place with Shelter Diversion and Rental Assistance programs.

Our shelter program and warm hospitality are the foundations of the Family Promise model.

Helping the families we serve not only succeed today but remain stable in their housing, financial capability and career paths tomorrow.

Our Mission
Our mission is to respond to the growing need to provide shelter, meals, and comprehensive support services to children and their families going through homeless transitions.
Our Vision
A nation in which every family has a home, a livelihood, and the chance to build a better future.